Vanuatu Climate Emergency Strike

Streets of Vanuatu’s capital Port Vila were taken by storm on the Friday 20th September 2019 by hundreds of students striking in the streets in solidarity with the global climate youth uprising.

The strike was organized by a network of civil society organizations called Vanuatu Climate Action Network (VCAN). PISFCC joined VCAN in July 2019 and is a committed and active member of this great national network. The event was held after three weeks of intensive planning by VCAN members and students. The purpose of the climate strike was to demand the Vanuatu Government to declare a climate emergency.

Belyndar Rikimani (PISFCC Secretary) accompanies Ariana Afkami and Junior Kalpoi through the climate march.

Belyndar Rikimani (PISFCC Secretary) accompanies Ariana Afkami and Junior Kalpoi through the climate march.

PISFCC members participated in a solidarity stand in front of the University of South Pacific – Emalus Campus raising awareness on Climate Justice before joining the main march in Port Vila. The march drew 1000 concerned citizens of all ages taking to the street and voicing their concerns about climate change and demanding climate justice. 

At the event two of PISFCC’s youngest members, Ariana Afkami and Junior Kalpoi, both 11 years old, bravely took to the stage presenting their poem that resonated deeply with the appreciative crowd.  

PISFCC and partners are now awaiting Government of Vanuatu’s Council of Ministers formal declaration of a Climate Emergency.


PISFCC attends UN Youth Climate Summit


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