The Witness Stand Website Launch: Amplifying Voices from the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis

Today marks the launch of ‘The Witness Stand’, a powerful new platform where the voices of those affected by climate change are heard. The Witness Stand serves as a direct message to the judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), who are deliberating on what is the biggest climate case in history - an advisory opinion on climate change (#ClimateICJAO) and its human rights implications.

Climate change is no longer a distant threat; it is here, hurting millions, violating human rights, and reshaping lives forever. These stories come from some of the world’s most remote and vulnerable regions, especially from the Pacific, where rising seas, devastating cyclones, and disappearing coastlines are not just warnings, they are daily realities!

At The Witness Stand, you’ll find a growing collection of personal testimonies: heartfelt pleas from people who are living the climate crisis. These powerful stories are aimed at the ICJ judges who now are set to hear the oral arguments from countries on December 2nd. This case is life-changing, not just for those already affected, but for every one of us. 

It’s a call for accountability, justice, and action on a global scale. The advisory opinion from the ICJ will have profound legal and moral consequences for governments worldwide binding them to protect the rights of people facing the harshest impacts of climate change.

The Witness Stand invites you to be part of this historic movement. Visit to explore these powerful stories and learn how to submit your own video message.

You too can become a climate witness by recording a video beginning with “Dear Judges of the International Court Of Justice” and then share your message on your social media with the hashtags #WitnessStand and #ClimateWitness.

We believe that those living through the effects of this devastation have important things to say, but you don't even have to be directly impacted to contribute. We welcome your climate message, whether you are witnessing the crisis firsthand or standing in solidarity with those who are. This platform is for everyone who believes in climate justice.

The Witness Stand is a platform where you can tell the world’s highest court that they cannot wait any longer. 

Listen to the stories, feel the urgency, and join this global call for Climate Justice At The ICJ. Together, we can stand with the millions whose lives are being upended by climate change and demand real change before it’s too late.

The Witness Stand is a project by Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC), co-produced by Interactive Media Foundation (IMF) in partnership with World's Youth for Climate Justice (WYCJ)

Watch The Witness Stand Website Launch Trailer!

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International Court of Justice (ICJ) Receives 62 Written Comments for The Climate Advisory Opinion Proceedings