ICJAO Resolution Adopted

In a historic moment, the UN General Assembly has adopted a Resolution by consensus calling for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on climate change and human rights.

We are Pacific Island students whose vision is to live with dignity and without fear of climate change denying us and our children of that freedom.

We are campaigning to seek an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on climate change and human rights.

Power of the People

The Power of the People – is a short explainer animation on the ongoing campaign to seek an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The animation was heavily inspired by the stark reality of the adverse effects of Climate Change on the basic Human Rights of children and youth from the Pacific Islands and other climate vulnerable countries.

One People, One Ocean, One Journey

One People, One Ocean, One Journey is a narrative piece discussing the Vaka narrative underpinning the campaign for an ICJAO and why the whole Pacific is inviting the world to join the Vaka as we head to the UNGA vote for the ICJAO.

Learn more about One People, One Ocean, One Journey

We believe in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of all women and all men, and of all nations, large and small.

The 2018 IPCC report on 1.5 degree warming confirms that unless drastic action is taken globally to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Pacific Islands Countries will cease to exist.

We do not accept this fate. We choose to retain hope, not only that our countries prove resilient, but also that international law and its institutions remain a global beacon of respect for a just and peaceful international order.

We appeal to people everywhere, especially those whose human rights are already being affected by climate change, to join us.

Learn more about our campaigns


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